Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Museum of conveyance in Batu Malang, yes, this time the museum is what will be the discussion of wisatalicious.com. Ah, Just museum ... if it was my friend's comments licious as they hear? That's because my friend not yet know that the transport museum in Batu Malang, this one is different from most museums boring. Museum of conveyance in Batu Malang give the concept a fresh and fun.

Museum conveyance or sometimes people mistakenly call the museum or public transportation is also sometimes called a transport museum (though impressive classical) is one of the attractions that deserve my friend visit with friends or keluaga when my friend on vacation or taking a package tour in the town of Batu. The museum recently opened March 9, 2014 last year and increasingly long haul museum's name is increasingly popular because it provides a tourist attraction that combines history and interesting entertainment. As the name suggests, this museum contains transport vehicles there from time immemorial that is often used by people traveling from different places and countries. With the concept of a lingkuangan made to resemble the original state of the vehicle is derived create enjoy while sightseeing in the transport museum was memorable.
Address, location, and location of Batu Malang Transport Museum

Problem lies the transport museum of course in the resort town of Batu Malang in East Java. Precisely the address of the transport museum is located at Jl. Canal Sultan Agung Up No. 2 Batu, Malang. To find the location of the Transport Museum can be reached by driving montor two-wheeled or four.

Buddy also can travel by public transportation from Malang, riding Station Malang Airport - take public transport - get off at Terminal Landung Sari - Puspa majors Jombang bus ride - get off at the Museum of Transport.

Kota Batu Malang is a fun buddy, pal if a little lost in this city, man could instead make it an interesting experience.

Transport Museum Batu Malang
Admission Transport Museum

Entering the entrance area of ​​the Transport Museum, my friend will see the Floating Market on the right and replicas of fighter jets on the left. Up in the tourist transport museum buddies will have to stand in line to buy tickets. Indeed tourists quite excited to see the museum that is still relatively new, so my friend had to wait. Transport museum opening hours Malang start at 12:00 to 20:00.

Problem tickets, it is for some people is considered quite expensive ticket prices. Regular admission tickets for the day, which is Monday - Thursday: 60,000. Average admission ticket on weekends (Friday - Sunday), red dates, holidays: Rp80.000 per person. Buddy also has to pay Rp30,000 when carrying the camera.

But one thing is for sure, when it was entered into, my friend will not be disappointed. Museum of conveyance in Batu Malang will give you moments of a memorable vacation for my friend.
Banc In Malang Transport Museum

Size of this transport museum is 3 hectares and museum collections are inside the building terraced 3. When my friend had entered the area in the museum buddies will start to feel the sensation. As the name implies, this is a transport museum transport museum displaying a collection of transportation very diverse kinds. If my friend licious is an automotive enthusiast, of course museum this one is like heaven.

Various types of vehicles on the coolest samapai most bizarre here. The more interesting of course the concept of space and the arrangement of the vehicle is described resemble its original place. Wow, seemed to be in a movie.

Stone Transport Museum collection there is also a vehicle of Indonesia. Start of boats, bicycles, carts, carts and rickshaws, to aircraft and marine vessels. The museum collection also vary from the original, modifications to the replica.

By.Widya jojo
sumber  http://wisatalicious.com/museum-angkut-batu-malang-yang-spektakuler/

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