Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives For Health
Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives - Of course my friends are very familiar
with this one vegetable is not, which is often made cuisine menu. Leek leaves
or also called the onion chives has the Latin name Allium tuberosum is
generally known as a leaf vegetable. Chives rarely used in Indonesian cuisine
menu. Chives name comes from Southern Min, "KU-chhài". Its use is
common in Chinese cuisine, such as chicken porridge.
Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives
onion Leek
If talking about Kucai then we will not be separated from the name the benefits of chives for health, which chives have a myriad of benefits for human health, as well as papaya fruit that I post in my previous article that the benefits of papaya seeds, well, we should have a direct see the benefits of chives below.
Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives For Health
preventing cancer
The flavonoids and sulfur contained in chives can prevent
some types of cancer. , Such as, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer. Chives can fight free radical and prevent the development of cancer
Skin problems
Leek has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which is very good for skin infections. Use chives while wearing lotion, scrab and injuries. Chives can also kill bacteria and fungi when your skin is bruised.
Helps prevent acne
Beta carotene contained in scallion helpful to cleanse the skin, so the skin free from acne. Periodic intake chives can mempercerah skin.
Lose weight
Chives helpful for weight loss, is widely consumed food for those who are dieting. Chives loaded with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, calcium and minerals. Which is good for your health.
Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
Chives contain allicin, the same as garlic and leeks. Allicin can be beneficial for reducing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol in the body. In addition, it is also useful to eliminate bakyeri and fungi in the intestinal tract.
prevent constipation
Chives are rich in dietary fiber to help digestion mempelancar. Fiber contained in chives able to relieve constipation.
Prevent damaged hair
The leaves of chives can strengthen hair follicles and increase blood flow from the scalp to the roots. Chives used in some hair care products, because it is known to stop hair loss
Who would have thought turns behind the vegetable that looks ordinary, it has a myriad of benefits that is very useful for our lives, so start now let us try to consume more often this Leek onions, I'll see in the next article, thanks.
Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives
onion Leek
If talking about Kucai then we will not be separated from the name the benefits of chives for health, which chives have a myriad of benefits for human health, as well as papaya fruit that I post in my previous article that the benefits of papaya seeds, well, we should have a direct see the benefits of chives below.
Benefits of Garlic Garlic chives For Health
preventing cancer
The flavonoids and sulfur contained in chives can prevent
some types of cancer. , Such as, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer. Chives can fight free radical and prevent the development of cancer
Skin problems
Leek has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which is very good for skin infections. Use chives while wearing lotion, scrab and injuries. Chives can also kill bacteria and fungi when your skin is bruised.
Helps prevent acne
Beta carotene contained in scallion helpful to cleanse the skin, so the skin free from acne. Periodic intake chives can mempercerah skin.
Lose weight
Chives helpful for weight loss, is widely consumed food for those who are dieting. Chives loaded with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, calcium and minerals. Which is good for your health.
Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
Chives contain allicin, the same as garlic and leeks. Allicin can be beneficial for reducing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol in the body. In addition, it is also useful to eliminate bakyeri and fungi in the intestinal tract.
prevent constipation
Chives are rich in dietary fiber to help digestion mempelancar. Fiber contained in chives able to relieve constipation.
Prevent damaged hair
The leaves of chives can strengthen hair follicles and increase blood flow from the scalp to the roots. Chives used in some hair care products, because it is known to stop hair loss
Who would have thought turns behind the vegetable that looks ordinary, it has a myriad of benefits that is very useful for our lives, so start now let us try to consume more often this Leek onions, I'll see in the next article, thanks.
By : Heni
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