Ki Ageng Selo
Ki Ageng Selo Lose
Babad Tanah Jawi said Ki Ageng Selo is a descendant of King Majapahit, Brawijaya V. Marriage Brawijaya V with daughter gave birth Bondan Wandan Yellow Ox Kejawen or Peteng. Ox Peteng married to Goddess Nawangsih, daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub, lower Ki Ageng Getas Pendawa. Ki Ageng Getas Pendawa Bogus born Sogom alias alias Sheikh Abdurrahman Ki Ageng Selo.
So, how juntrungan its Ki Ageng Selo could be called lowering the kings of Mataram? Ki Ageng Ki Ageng Selo lowering Ngenis. Ki Ageng Ki Ageng Pemanahan Ngenis lowered. Ki Ageng Pemanahan lowered Panembahan Senapati. From this is derived the Panembahan Senapati Mataram kings until now.
However, this development should not melenakan, that on the other hand there are things that absolutely urgent attention. Namely, the immortality of history and consistency of practice Fiber Pepali Ki Ageng Selo, which is an embodiment of the teachings of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet.
For the first (which preserves the history) necessitates the codification history Ki Ageng Selo in a special book, as Wali Songo and the other guardians even kiyais also enshrined sophisticated persona, services, and his example in the historical record intact and complete. From the author's observation, the history books that there are currently only tells a bit of just about the existence of Ki Ageng Selo as the lowering of the kings of Mataram (Surakarta and Yogyakarta), as well as capturing lightning kedigdayaannya (bledeg).
The lack of attention of historians and the scarcity of history books that thoroughly explores the history Waliyullah catcher lightning, raises concerns about the strangeness of future generations of noble forefathers figure kings of Mataram. Not impossible, our grandchildren (including citizens of Surakarta and Yogyakarta) will be unfamiliar with who and what services and exemplary Ki Ageng Selo-his example. Perhaps not many know that the Surakarta and Yogyakarta have historical and emotional ties closely to Selo. Perhaps only the residents in the neighborhood who knew the palace. Though the bond was becoming entrenched with fire diabadikannya bledeg in three cities. Even in certain years (Year Dal), for the purposes of Gerebeg and so on, Keraton Surakarta taking fire from Selo.
Ki Ageng Sela story is legendary stories. This figure is considered as the lowering of the king - the king of Mataram, Surakarta and Yogyakarta until now. Ki Ageng Sela or Kyai Ageng Sela Ngabdurahman, where his grave is now located in the village of Sela, District Tawangharjo, Dati II Regency Grobogan, is a legendary figure who is known by the public area is Grobogan, but not much is known about the actual history. In the story he is better known as a powerful leader who is able to capture lightning (bledheg).
According to the story in the Chronicle of land Jawi (Meinama, 1905; Al - thoff, 1941), Ki Ageng Sela is a descendant of the Majapahit. Majapahit king: King UB last yellow Wandan married daughter. From this was born the daughter of a son - a man who called Bondan Kejawan. Because according to the forecast astrologer this child would kill his father, the king, Bondan Kejawan entrusted to an interpreter sabin king: Ki Buyut Masharar as an adult by the king granted to Ki Ageng Tarub's studied Islam and science of magic. By Ki Ageng Tarub, its name was changed to Ox Peteng. He married the daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub named Dewi Nawangsih, mother Angel Dewi Nawang Wulan. Ki Ageng Tarub or Kidang Telangkas not long died, and Ox Peteng take the place of law, by the name of Ki Ageng Tarub II. Of marriage between Ox Peteng with Nawangsih childbearing Ki Getas Pendowo and a daughter who marries Ki Ageng groaned.
Ki Ageng Getas Pandowo berputra seven members, namely:
1. Ki Ageng Sela,
2. Nyai Ageng Pakis,
3. Nyai Ageng Full,
4. Nyai Ageng Kare,
5. Nyai Ageng Wanglu,
6. Nyai Ageng Buttocks,
7. Nyai Ageng Adibaya.
A Ki Ageng Sela was imprisoned in the forest, caves and mountain farming while working the fields. He was not concerned with the world's wealth. Results are divided fields - distributed to neighbors in need in order to live well. Even Ki Ageng Sela eventually establish Islamic schools. Many of his students, coming from across the region. One of his students is Mas Karebet candidate Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya. In tapanya Ki Ageng was always praying to God so that he could bring down the king - the great king who controlled the whole of Java.
Kala semanten Ki Ageng sampun pitung dinten pitung dalu wonten huts pagagan wetaning Tarub saler, wana ing Renceh. Ing Wanci dalu Ki Ageng sare wonten ing ngriku, Ki Jaka Tingkir (Mas Karebet) tilem wonten ing mixes. Ki Ageng Sela dhateng wana nyangking kudhi, badhe Chronicle. Kathinggal salebeting Supeno Ki Jaka Tingkir sampun wonten ing Wana, Literature sakhatahing kekajengan sampun sami fall, kaseredan dhateng Ki Jaka Tingkir. (Altholif: 35-36).
The dream implies that Ki Ageng Sela's efforts can reduce the king - the great king has been preceded by Jaka Tingkir or Mas Karebet, Sultan Pajang first. Ki Ageng disappointed, but eventually his surrender to the will of God the Almighty. Only then to Jaka Tingkir, Ki Ageng interrupted saying:
Nanging thole, buri ing ing turunku contact nyambungi wahyumu (Dirdjosubroto, 131; Altholif: 36). Once Ki Ageng Sela would like to apply to be a soldier enlisted in Demak. The conditions he must be willing to be tested first to compete with the wild bull. Ki Ageng Sela can kill the bull, but he was afraid of contact with splashes of blood. As a result, her application was rejected because a soldier can not be afraid to see blood. Because of the hurt it Ki Ageng rampage, but lost and returned to his village: Sela. Furthermore, the story of Ki Ageng Sela capture "bledheg" said a story in the Chronicle as follows:
When the Sultan of Demak: Trenggana still alive one day Ki Ageng Sela go to the field. The day was very cloudy, a sign of the rain. Not long indeed - really heavy rains. Lightning strike. Ki Ageng Sela but still good - tasty menyangkul, he only briefly hoeing, came "bledheg" grabbed Ki Ageng, embodies a grandfather - grandfather. The old man quickly - quickly caught her and hit, then tied dipohon gandri, and he continued hoeing fields. After enough, he came home and "bledheg" were taken home and dihaturkan to the Sultan of Demak. By Sultan "bledheg" was put in strong iron bars and put the middle of the square - square. Many people who came to see the intentions "bledheg" it. When it came to a grandmother - a grandmother with a water jug. Water was given to his grandfather "bledheg" and drank. After drinking there came blaring deafening. Along with that gone are the grandparents "bledheg: the bars were shut where grandfather" bledheg shattered.
Then one when Ki Ageng nanggap leather puppets with dhalang Ki Bicak. Bicak Ki wife is very pretty. Ki Ageng fall in love with Nyai Bicak. So to be able to marry Nyai Bicak, Kyai Bicak killed. Puppet Bende and Nyai Bicak taken, "Bende" was later named Kyai Bicak, which later became the inheritance of the kingdom of Mataram. When "Bende" was beaten and his voice echoing, unmarked war will win, but if it is struck not ring a sign of war will be lost.
Another event again: One day Ki Ageng Sela was holding his son in his yard pumpkin crop. Come the rampage him. That person can be killed, but he "kesrimpet" pumpkin stem and fell on his back, so that the cloth off and she was naked. By such events then Ki Ageng Sela dropped expletives, that child is forbidden to plant pumpkin and fall on the home page cinde wear fabric.
Saha lajeng dhawahaken prapasa, Benjeng ing saturun - turunipun sampun nganthos wonten ingkang cindhe sideways as well as pumpkin and Dhahar wohipun nanem. (Dirdjosubroto: 1928: 152-153).
In a family, the son of Ki Ageng Sela has seven members, namely:
1. Nyai Ageng Middle Lurung,
2. Nyai Ageng Saba (Wanasaba),
3. Nyai Ageng Basri,
4. Nyai Ageng Jati,
5. Nyai Ageng Patanen,
6. Nyai Ageng Pakis Dadu, and the youngest son of man - a man named
7. Kyai Ageng Enis.
Kyai Ageng Enis berputra Kyai Ageng Pamanahan who marries the eldest daughter of Kyai Ageng Saba, and gave birth Mas Market or Sutawijaya Ngabehi Loring, the founder of the kingdom of Mataram. Nyai Ageng Pamanahan sister named Ki Juru Martani. Ki Ageng Enis also take a foster child named Ki Panjawi. Dipersaudarakan and together the three of them - the same study with Sunan Kalijaga along with Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya (Jaka Tingkir). Sultan Pajang the will, Ki Ageng Enis asked reside didusun lawiyan, it was then known as Ki Ageng Lawiyan. When he died also buried in the village Lawiyan. (M. Atmodarminto, 1955: 1222).
From the story above that Ki Ageng Sela was the ancestor of the king - the king of Mataram Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Even worship of the tomb of Ki Ageng Sela is still ditradisikan by the king - the king of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Before GREBEG Mulud, representatives of Surakarta came to the tomb of Ki Ageng Sela to take the eternal flame that is always lit in the tomb. Similarly tradition practiced by the king - the king of Yogyakarta Fire from Sela regarded as sacred.
It is even said that the first fire-making is done using procession - the procession, so that every prince also be able to take it and lit a fire in the home place of worship each - each. According Shrieke fire-stream was actually reflects the "principle of power shine". Even the data - data from chronicle sources say even the beam power is a symbol of royal power - the king of the world. Baby Ken Arok shine, shine Ken Dedes center; transfer of power from the Majapahit to Demak realized because the beam displacement; the revelation of the palace is also manifested in the form of brilliant sunshine.
From that perspective, the fire may be interrupted for reinforcing evidence that there is a center in the village Sela MEDANG KAMULAN kingdom that remains mysterious. In the area was Reffles still find the rest - the rest of the former palace of old (Reffles, 1817: 5). The relics found in areas that are a building Wirasaba district Sitihinggil. Another relic of the region Purwodadi.
The term "Sela" may be related to their "muddy volcanic hills, the source - the source of the salt and the eternal flame that comes out of the earth that is widely available in the Grobogan area.
When the kingdom in a state of war Diponegoro, Sunan and Sultan entered into an agreement dated September 27, 1830, which stipulates that the tomb - a shrine in the village Sela Sukawati area, will remain with the two kings. For the maintenance of the tomb will be appointed twelve jung land to the Sultan of Yogyakarta around the tomb for maintenance. (Graaf, 3.1985: II). Regional stream enclave abolished on January 14, 1902. But the tomb - the tomb following the mosque and the house caretaker maintained at the expense of the average - average does not include the purchase by the Government.
Tracing the trail the lightning catcher
It is one of the legends of the land of Java, a figure clerics in the region Selo, Grobogan, Central Java named Ki Ageng Selo ...
Family tree
According to genealogy, Ki Ageng Selo is the great-grandson or great-grandson of the last Brawijaya. Her ancestor (embryo-red) of the founder of the kingdom of Mataram is Sutawijaya. Including Sri Sultan HB X (Yogyakarta) and Pakubowono XIII (Surakarta).
According to the story Babad Tanah Jawi (Meinama, 1905; Al-thoff, 1941), married the daughter of the last King UB Wandan yellow and berputra Bondan Kejawan / Ki Ageng Ox Peteng appointed as a student of Ki Ageng Tarub. He is married to the daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub named Dewi Nawangsih, mother Angel Dewi Nawang Wulan. Of marriage with Nawangsih Peteng Calf, born lah Ki Getas Pendowo (tomb in Kuripan, Purwodadi). Ki Ageng Getas Pandowo berputra seven and eldest Ki Ageng Selo.
Ki Ageng liked to meditate in the jungle, caves and mountain farming while working the fields. He was not concerned with the world's wealth. Results fields distributed to neighbors in need in order to live well. One of his pupils was his beloved Mas Karebet / Joko Tingkir who later became Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya, replacing dynasty Demak.
Son Ki Ageng Selo all seven people, one of them Kyai Ageng Enis who berputra Kyai Ageng Pamanahan. Ki Pemanahan married the eldest daughter of Kyai Ageng Saba, and gave birth to Mas Ngabehi Loring Market or Sutawijaya. Through political events at that time Java Sutawijaya finally able to establish the kingdom of Mataram replace Pajang.
The Lightning Catcher
It happened at the time when the Sultan of Demak Trenggana still alive. Syahdan on an afternoon around the time of Asr, Ki Ageng Sela was hoeing fields. The day was very cloudy, a sign of the rain. Not long indeed - really heavy rains. Came darting lightning. Other farmers rushed to run home because of fear. Ki Ageng Sela but still good - tasty menyangkul, he only briefly hoeing, came the lightning grabbed Ki Ageng Selo. Thundering ..... lightning struck in the hand hoe Ki Ageng. However, he still stands firm, his body intact, does not burn, not torn. Thunderstorms were arrested and tied up, put in a rock the size of an adult fist. Then, the stone was handed over to the Royal Palace in Kanjeng Sunan Demak.
Kanjeng Wali Sunan Demak -sang Allah-- increasingly amazed at the miracle of Ki Ageng Selo. He also gave directives, lightning catches Ki Ageng Selo should not be given water.
Demak royal scene. Thousands of people --perpangkat kecil-- great and people flocked to the palace to see the lightning catches Ki Ageng Selo. One day, there came a woman, she was an intruder (intruder) sneaking behind a crowd of people who wanted to see the lightning Ki Ageng.
Women intruder was carrying bathok (where water from a coconut shell) and then flush it with water lightning stone. Extravagance ... building stone palace place to store the skins are destroyed devastated, by a lightning bolt. Kanjeng Sunan Demak said, women intuder bathok carrier is "lightning woman" a couple of lightning "man" who was captured Ki Ageng Selo. Two lovebirds and even then regroup together, and vanished.
other versions
Another version says lightning captured by Ki Ageng Selo tangible grandfather. The old man quickly - quickly caught her and hit, then tied dipohon gandri, and he continued hoeing fields. After enough, he came home and "bledheg" were taken home and dihaturkan to the Sultan of Demak. By Sultan "bledheg" was put in strong iron bars and put the middle of the square - square. Many people who came to see the intentions "bledheg" it. When it came to a grandmother - a grandmother with a water jug. Water was given to his grandfather "bledheg" and drank. After drinking there came blaring deafening. Along with that gone are the grandparents "bledheg: the bars were shut where grandfather" bledheg shattered.
Since then, lightning never show sambar in Selo village, especially in the mosque that perpetuate the name of Ki Ageng Selo. "In the name of Ki Ageng Selo course, the lightning did not dare grab," said Sarwono told Slot.
Problem lightning that never existed in the village of Selo recognized by Sakhsun, 54 years old. For 22 years, he became the muezzin Masjid Ki Ageng Selo, and only at the end of November 2004 it was reported that lightning striking domed mosque Ki Ageng Selo. The white-haired man was affected. The lightning was grabbed as she held a microphone about to mengumadangkan azan asar.
Sakhsun was stunned. Her lips were swollen. "I do not know what that gesture. All events can always be used as a warning for us to have more faith," he said. He was guessing what will happen in the village. According to local belief, the dome of the mosque is a symbol of a leader. What does it mean there are local leaders who will be uprooted?
Prohibition Sell Rice
One day two young men who visit homes Ki Ageng Selo, his wish They studied religion at KI Ageng Selo. As a good host, KI Ageng cello serve rice on them, but they are still full menolakya reasons. Having had enough (studied religion), the two young men was begging to leave home. Coming home from home Ki Ageng, the two young men did not go home, but stop by the shop used to eat rice. KI Ageng Selo saw it. He felt hurt and afterwards he said: "People in the village cello may not sell rice, if there is a break then bledheg will be flashing in the sky Selo village". Until now, residents living around the Tomb Complex KI Ageng Selo nothing to sell rice.
Commemoration of KI Ageng Selo
Located in the hamlet Krajan, RT II RW 02, Village Selo subdistrict Tawangharjo Grobogan. This place is also one of the tourist attractions in Grobogan because it contains values incredible history.
The important places are still associated with KI Ageng Selo
1. Tomb KI Ageng Tarub
Located in the village of Tarub, District Grobogan Tawangharjo about 4 Km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. He is the great-grandson of KI Ageng Selo. In the complex there is a barrel-shaped Tomb where the water comes from spring nymph.
2. Makam Bonda Kejawan / Ox Peteng (Grandfather KI Ageng Selo)
Located in the hamlet Mbarahan Tarub Village, District Tawangharjo Grobogan. About 3 km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. In the area of the tomb complex built many statues and stupas. Now the conditions are increasingly unkempt. Many statues are beginning to fail. But there are still many people who come for pilgrimage
3. The KI Ageng Getas Pendowo
He is the father of KI Ageng Selo. His tomb is located in Purwodadi Kuripan about 15 Km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. CELLO
By : Heni
Ki Ageng Selo Lose
Babad Tanah Jawi said Ki Ageng Selo is a descendant of King Majapahit, Brawijaya V. Marriage Brawijaya V with daughter gave birth Bondan Wandan Yellow Ox Kejawen or Peteng. Ox Peteng married to Goddess Nawangsih, daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub, lower Ki Ageng Getas Pendawa. Ki Ageng Getas Pendawa Bogus born Sogom alias alias Sheikh Abdurrahman Ki Ageng Selo.
So, how juntrungan its Ki Ageng Selo could be called lowering the kings of Mataram? Ki Ageng Ki Ageng Selo lowering Ngenis. Ki Ageng Ki Ageng Pemanahan Ngenis lowered. Ki Ageng Pemanahan lowered Panembahan Senapati. From this is derived the Panembahan Senapati Mataram kings until now.
However, this development should not melenakan, that on the other hand there are things that absolutely urgent attention. Namely, the immortality of history and consistency of practice Fiber Pepali Ki Ageng Selo, which is an embodiment of the teachings of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet.
For the first (which preserves the history) necessitates the codification history Ki Ageng Selo in a special book, as Wali Songo and the other guardians even kiyais also enshrined sophisticated persona, services, and his example in the historical record intact and complete. From the author's observation, the history books that there are currently only tells a bit of just about the existence of Ki Ageng Selo as the lowering of the kings of Mataram (Surakarta and Yogyakarta), as well as capturing lightning kedigdayaannya (bledeg).
The lack of attention of historians and the scarcity of history books that thoroughly explores the history Waliyullah catcher lightning, raises concerns about the strangeness of future generations of noble forefathers figure kings of Mataram. Not impossible, our grandchildren (including citizens of Surakarta and Yogyakarta) will be unfamiliar with who and what services and exemplary Ki Ageng Selo-his example. Perhaps not many know that the Surakarta and Yogyakarta have historical and emotional ties closely to Selo. Perhaps only the residents in the neighborhood who knew the palace. Though the bond was becoming entrenched with fire diabadikannya bledeg in three cities. Even in certain years (Year Dal), for the purposes of Gerebeg and so on, Keraton Surakarta taking fire from Selo.
Ki Ageng Sela story is legendary stories. This figure is considered as the lowering of the king - the king of Mataram, Surakarta and Yogyakarta until now. Ki Ageng Sela or Kyai Ageng Sela Ngabdurahman, where his grave is now located in the village of Sela, District Tawangharjo, Dati II Regency Grobogan, is a legendary figure who is known by the public area is Grobogan, but not much is known about the actual history. In the story he is better known as a powerful leader who is able to capture lightning (bledheg).
According to the story in the Chronicle of land Jawi (Meinama, 1905; Al - thoff, 1941), Ki Ageng Sela is a descendant of the Majapahit. Majapahit king: King UB last yellow Wandan married daughter. From this was born the daughter of a son - a man who called Bondan Kejawan. Because according to the forecast astrologer this child would kill his father, the king, Bondan Kejawan entrusted to an interpreter sabin king: Ki Buyut Masharar as an adult by the king granted to Ki Ageng Tarub's studied Islam and science of magic. By Ki Ageng Tarub, its name was changed to Ox Peteng. He married the daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub named Dewi Nawangsih, mother Angel Dewi Nawang Wulan. Ki Ageng Tarub or Kidang Telangkas not long died, and Ox Peteng take the place of law, by the name of Ki Ageng Tarub II. Of marriage between Ox Peteng with Nawangsih childbearing Ki Getas Pendowo and a daughter who marries Ki Ageng groaned.
Ki Ageng Getas Pandowo berputra seven members, namely:
1. Ki Ageng Sela,
2. Nyai Ageng Pakis,
3. Nyai Ageng Full,
4. Nyai Ageng Kare,
5. Nyai Ageng Wanglu,
6. Nyai Ageng Buttocks,
7. Nyai Ageng Adibaya.
A Ki Ageng Sela was imprisoned in the forest, caves and mountain farming while working the fields. He was not concerned with the world's wealth. Results are divided fields - distributed to neighbors in need in order to live well. Even Ki Ageng Sela eventually establish Islamic schools. Many of his students, coming from across the region. One of his students is Mas Karebet candidate Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya. In tapanya Ki Ageng was always praying to God so that he could bring down the king - the great king who controlled the whole of Java.
Kala semanten Ki Ageng sampun pitung dinten pitung dalu wonten huts pagagan wetaning Tarub saler, wana ing Renceh. Ing Wanci dalu Ki Ageng sare wonten ing ngriku, Ki Jaka Tingkir (Mas Karebet) tilem wonten ing mixes. Ki Ageng Sela dhateng wana nyangking kudhi, badhe Chronicle. Kathinggal salebeting Supeno Ki Jaka Tingkir sampun wonten ing Wana, Literature sakhatahing kekajengan sampun sami fall, kaseredan dhateng Ki Jaka Tingkir. (Altholif: 35-36).
The dream implies that Ki Ageng Sela's efforts can reduce the king - the great king has been preceded by Jaka Tingkir or Mas Karebet, Sultan Pajang first. Ki Ageng disappointed, but eventually his surrender to the will of God the Almighty. Only then to Jaka Tingkir, Ki Ageng interrupted saying:
Nanging thole, buri ing ing turunku contact nyambungi wahyumu (Dirdjosubroto, 131; Altholif: 36). Once Ki Ageng Sela would like to apply to be a soldier enlisted in Demak. The conditions he must be willing to be tested first to compete with the wild bull. Ki Ageng Sela can kill the bull, but he was afraid of contact with splashes of blood. As a result, her application was rejected because a soldier can not be afraid to see blood. Because of the hurt it Ki Ageng rampage, but lost and returned to his village: Sela. Furthermore, the story of Ki Ageng Sela capture "bledheg" said a story in the Chronicle as follows:
When the Sultan of Demak: Trenggana still alive one day Ki Ageng Sela go to the field. The day was very cloudy, a sign of the rain. Not long indeed - really heavy rains. Lightning strike. Ki Ageng Sela but still good - tasty menyangkul, he only briefly hoeing, came "bledheg" grabbed Ki Ageng, embodies a grandfather - grandfather. The old man quickly - quickly caught her and hit, then tied dipohon gandri, and he continued hoeing fields. After enough, he came home and "bledheg" were taken home and dihaturkan to the Sultan of Demak. By Sultan "bledheg" was put in strong iron bars and put the middle of the square - square. Many people who came to see the intentions "bledheg" it. When it came to a grandmother - a grandmother with a water jug. Water was given to his grandfather "bledheg" and drank. After drinking there came blaring deafening. Along with that gone are the grandparents "bledheg: the bars were shut where grandfather" bledheg shattered.
Then one when Ki Ageng nanggap leather puppets with dhalang Ki Bicak. Bicak Ki wife is very pretty. Ki Ageng fall in love with Nyai Bicak. So to be able to marry Nyai Bicak, Kyai Bicak killed. Puppet Bende and Nyai Bicak taken, "Bende" was later named Kyai Bicak, which later became the inheritance of the kingdom of Mataram. When "Bende" was beaten and his voice echoing, unmarked war will win, but if it is struck not ring a sign of war will be lost.
Another event again: One day Ki Ageng Sela was holding his son in his yard pumpkin crop. Come the rampage him. That person can be killed, but he "kesrimpet" pumpkin stem and fell on his back, so that the cloth off and she was naked. By such events then Ki Ageng Sela dropped expletives, that child is forbidden to plant pumpkin and fall on the home page cinde wear fabric.
Saha lajeng dhawahaken prapasa, Benjeng ing saturun - turunipun sampun nganthos wonten ingkang cindhe sideways as well as pumpkin and Dhahar wohipun nanem. (Dirdjosubroto: 1928: 152-153).
In a family, the son of Ki Ageng Sela has seven members, namely:
1. Nyai Ageng Middle Lurung,
2. Nyai Ageng Saba (Wanasaba),
3. Nyai Ageng Basri,
4. Nyai Ageng Jati,
5. Nyai Ageng Patanen,
6. Nyai Ageng Pakis Dadu, and the youngest son of man - a man named
7. Kyai Ageng Enis.
Kyai Ageng Enis berputra Kyai Ageng Pamanahan who marries the eldest daughter of Kyai Ageng Saba, and gave birth Mas Market or Sutawijaya Ngabehi Loring, the founder of the kingdom of Mataram. Nyai Ageng Pamanahan sister named Ki Juru Martani. Ki Ageng Enis also take a foster child named Ki Panjawi. Dipersaudarakan and together the three of them - the same study with Sunan Kalijaga along with Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya (Jaka Tingkir). Sultan Pajang the will, Ki Ageng Enis asked reside didusun lawiyan, it was then known as Ki Ageng Lawiyan. When he died also buried in the village Lawiyan. (M. Atmodarminto, 1955: 1222).
From the story above that Ki Ageng Sela was the ancestor of the king - the king of Mataram Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Even worship of the tomb of Ki Ageng Sela is still ditradisikan by the king - the king of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Before GREBEG Mulud, representatives of Surakarta came to the tomb of Ki Ageng Sela to take the eternal flame that is always lit in the tomb. Similarly tradition practiced by the king - the king of Yogyakarta Fire from Sela regarded as sacred.
It is even said that the first fire-making is done using procession - the procession, so that every prince also be able to take it and lit a fire in the home place of worship each - each. According Shrieke fire-stream was actually reflects the "principle of power shine". Even the data - data from chronicle sources say even the beam power is a symbol of royal power - the king of the world. Baby Ken Arok shine, shine Ken Dedes center; transfer of power from the Majapahit to Demak realized because the beam displacement; the revelation of the palace is also manifested in the form of brilliant sunshine.
From that perspective, the fire may be interrupted for reinforcing evidence that there is a center in the village Sela MEDANG KAMULAN kingdom that remains mysterious. In the area was Reffles still find the rest - the rest of the former palace of old (Reffles, 1817: 5). The relics found in areas that are a building Wirasaba district Sitihinggil. Another relic of the region Purwodadi.
The term "Sela" may be related to their "muddy volcanic hills, the source - the source of the salt and the eternal flame that comes out of the earth that is widely available in the Grobogan area.
When the kingdom in a state of war Diponegoro, Sunan and Sultan entered into an agreement dated September 27, 1830, which stipulates that the tomb - a shrine in the village Sela Sukawati area, will remain with the two kings. For the maintenance of the tomb will be appointed twelve jung land to the Sultan of Yogyakarta around the tomb for maintenance. (Graaf, 3.1985: II). Regional stream enclave abolished on January 14, 1902. But the tomb - the tomb following the mosque and the house caretaker maintained at the expense of the average - average does not include the purchase by the Government.
Tracing the trail the lightning catcher
It is one of the legends of the land of Java, a figure clerics in the region Selo, Grobogan, Central Java named Ki Ageng Selo ...
Family tree
According to genealogy, Ki Ageng Selo is the great-grandson or great-grandson of the last Brawijaya. Her ancestor (embryo-red) of the founder of the kingdom of Mataram is Sutawijaya. Including Sri Sultan HB X (Yogyakarta) and Pakubowono XIII (Surakarta).
According to the story Babad Tanah Jawi (Meinama, 1905; Al-thoff, 1941), married the daughter of the last King UB Wandan yellow and berputra Bondan Kejawan / Ki Ageng Ox Peteng appointed as a student of Ki Ageng Tarub. He is married to the daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub named Dewi Nawangsih, mother Angel Dewi Nawang Wulan. Of marriage with Nawangsih Peteng Calf, born lah Ki Getas Pendowo (tomb in Kuripan, Purwodadi). Ki Ageng Getas Pandowo berputra seven and eldest Ki Ageng Selo.
Ki Ageng liked to meditate in the jungle, caves and mountain farming while working the fields. He was not concerned with the world's wealth. Results fields distributed to neighbors in need in order to live well. One of his pupils was his beloved Mas Karebet / Joko Tingkir who later became Sultan Pajang Hadiwijaya, replacing dynasty Demak.
Son Ki Ageng Selo all seven people, one of them Kyai Ageng Enis who berputra Kyai Ageng Pamanahan. Ki Pemanahan married the eldest daughter of Kyai Ageng Saba, and gave birth to Mas Ngabehi Loring Market or Sutawijaya. Through political events at that time Java Sutawijaya finally able to establish the kingdom of Mataram replace Pajang.
The Lightning Catcher
It happened at the time when the Sultan of Demak Trenggana still alive. Syahdan on an afternoon around the time of Asr, Ki Ageng Sela was hoeing fields. The day was very cloudy, a sign of the rain. Not long indeed - really heavy rains. Came darting lightning. Other farmers rushed to run home because of fear. Ki Ageng Sela but still good - tasty menyangkul, he only briefly hoeing, came the lightning grabbed Ki Ageng Selo. Thundering ..... lightning struck in the hand hoe Ki Ageng. However, he still stands firm, his body intact, does not burn, not torn. Thunderstorms were arrested and tied up, put in a rock the size of an adult fist. Then, the stone was handed over to the Royal Palace in Kanjeng Sunan Demak.
Kanjeng Wali Sunan Demak -sang Allah-- increasingly amazed at the miracle of Ki Ageng Selo. He also gave directives, lightning catches Ki Ageng Selo should not be given water.
Demak royal scene. Thousands of people --perpangkat kecil-- great and people flocked to the palace to see the lightning catches Ki Ageng Selo. One day, there came a woman, she was an intruder (intruder) sneaking behind a crowd of people who wanted to see the lightning Ki Ageng.
Women intruder was carrying bathok (where water from a coconut shell) and then flush it with water lightning stone. Extravagance ... building stone palace place to store the skins are destroyed devastated, by a lightning bolt. Kanjeng Sunan Demak said, women intuder bathok carrier is "lightning woman" a couple of lightning "man" who was captured Ki Ageng Selo. Two lovebirds and even then regroup together, and vanished.
other versions
Another version says lightning captured by Ki Ageng Selo tangible grandfather. The old man quickly - quickly caught her and hit, then tied dipohon gandri, and he continued hoeing fields. After enough, he came home and "bledheg" were taken home and dihaturkan to the Sultan of Demak. By Sultan "bledheg" was put in strong iron bars and put the middle of the square - square. Many people who came to see the intentions "bledheg" it. When it came to a grandmother - a grandmother with a water jug. Water was given to his grandfather "bledheg" and drank. After drinking there came blaring deafening. Along with that gone are the grandparents "bledheg: the bars were shut where grandfather" bledheg shattered.
Since then, lightning never show sambar in Selo village, especially in the mosque that perpetuate the name of Ki Ageng Selo. "In the name of Ki Ageng Selo course, the lightning did not dare grab," said Sarwono told Slot.
Problem lightning that never existed in the village of Selo recognized by Sakhsun, 54 years old. For 22 years, he became the muezzin Masjid Ki Ageng Selo, and only at the end of November 2004 it was reported that lightning striking domed mosque Ki Ageng Selo. The white-haired man was affected. The lightning was grabbed as she held a microphone about to mengumadangkan azan asar.
Sakhsun was stunned. Her lips were swollen. "I do not know what that gesture. All events can always be used as a warning for us to have more faith," he said. He was guessing what will happen in the village. According to local belief, the dome of the mosque is a symbol of a leader. What does it mean there are local leaders who will be uprooted?
Prohibition Sell Rice
One day two young men who visit homes Ki Ageng Selo, his wish They studied religion at KI Ageng Selo. As a good host, KI Ageng cello serve rice on them, but they are still full menolakya reasons. Having had enough (studied religion), the two young men was begging to leave home. Coming home from home Ki Ageng, the two young men did not go home, but stop by the shop used to eat rice. KI Ageng Selo saw it. He felt hurt and afterwards he said: "People in the village cello may not sell rice, if there is a break then bledheg will be flashing in the sky Selo village". Until now, residents living around the Tomb Complex KI Ageng Selo nothing to sell rice.
Commemoration of KI Ageng Selo
Located in the hamlet Krajan, RT II RW 02, Village Selo subdistrict Tawangharjo Grobogan. This place is also one of the tourist attractions in Grobogan because it contains values incredible history.
The important places are still associated with KI Ageng Selo
1. Tomb KI Ageng Tarub
Located in the village of Tarub, District Grobogan Tawangharjo about 4 Km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. He is the great-grandson of KI Ageng Selo. In the complex there is a barrel-shaped Tomb where the water comes from spring nymph.
2. Makam Bonda Kejawan / Ox Peteng (Grandfather KI Ageng Selo)
Located in the hamlet Mbarahan Tarub Village, District Tawangharjo Grobogan. About 3 km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. In the area of the tomb complex built many statues and stupas. Now the conditions are increasingly unkempt. Many statues are beginning to fail. But there are still many people who come for pilgrimage
3. The KI Ageng Getas Pendowo
He is the father of KI Ageng Selo. His tomb is located in Purwodadi Kuripan about 15 Km from the Tomb of KI Ageng Selo. CELLO
By : Heni
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