For the citizens of Grobogan, Simpang Lima Purwodadi is a very familiar. This location is one of the favorite activities Purwodadi and surrounding residents.
Simpang Lima Purwodadi is in the middle of town. This intersection became the meeting center vehicles bound for other regions in Central Java.
The existence of Simpang Lima Purwodadi also be a special symbol Grobogan. Towering minarets are often used as background photo Grobogan society.
Simpang Lima in Purwodadi there are extensive grounds which became a community center. Like sports, get together, play, to enjoy a culinary tour Grobogan.
So no wonder if Simpang Lima Purwodadi never deserted from the activities of people, from teenagers to the elderly.
Simpang Lima Purwodadi that can be seen now, not so simply, but was built over several times since many years ago.
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