Jumat, 30 September 2016

Nama : widya rini(JOJO)
kelas  : akper A
NIM  :

Timing in Breastfeeding

Menyusui, Keibuan, Ibu, Anak, Kelahiran, CintaMother's Milk is a drink at the same foods that contain a lot of good nutrition and is perfect if consumed since birth until age 6 months. The nutritional content owned by ASI among which lectalbumin, healthy fatty substances are also beneficial antibodies protect infants from various diseases. Once suggested to the woman who has given birth in order to give the baby breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding is good for endurance child so as not to disease. Many things that mothers should consider when taking care of the baby.
Is no exception when it is appropriate to give breast milk to your baby, including:
1. Give breastfeeding at the time after the baby is born. By the time your baby is newborn, breastfeeding may be produced not so smoothly, but it does not make a problem because the baby will suck so strong that the milk production process itself smoothly.
2. Give breast milk when the baby wants. With the passage of time, the baby began to get used to making their own time to adjust to the production of breast milk you have. At this point the mother's role is very important in maintaining his diet, is caused by diet and food intake greatly affect maternal milk production.
3. Give breastfed for more than 6 months to increase the consumption of food to the baby.
4. If you have overcrowding outside the home or you are required to work, it would be better if you keep giving breast milk to the baby. You can mensiasatinya by taking the time to pump before you set off and put in the refrigerator (freezer). You can also do it another way, the most important remains breastfed infants according to their needs.
The obligations that must be performed by a mother is breastfeeding exclusively for their children. Whatever the reason the mother is obliged to keep feeding her baby, except if the mother has health problems in payudayanya to produce breast milk. A good way of feeding: enough with 10 minutes but still regularly Most mothers often linger in feeding the baby, it is intended that the baby fed, and easily fall asleep. Now, the term that says baby led method, this method is feeding the baby to follow her wishes. Most of these methods performed by a young mother. But this method also has not been the best for the mother danbayi. However, a study says that breast-feeding with a short time but still irregular in fact effective in increasing body weight babies.
However, several studies have shown shortbreastfeed method has the benefit more by simply following the baby's desire. By exclusively breastfed 10 minutes each time, it teryata bring a good impact for the baby. Weight baby increased significantly. However, not all nursing mothers can apply this method. Oktitosin pregnant woman needs to have some hormones that can stimulate calmness and reflexes to make milk spread of breast cells pass through vessels and end on the nipple of the mother. Oktitosin will be hampered if the baby is breast-feeding for a long time. In the study also explained if the baby is not breastfed supplementary (second breast) mother's breasts feel very full every feeding.
Source: The Right Time in Breastfeeding - Bidanku.com http://bidanku.com/waktu-yang-tepat-dalam-memberikan-asi#ixzz4LkInU9a6

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