Senin, 19 September 2016



Born in Badung, January 30, 1917, I Gusti Ngurah Rai is the son of a camat evening, I Gusti Ngurah Trench. Attracted by the military since childhood, Ngurah Rai Denpasar joined his then proceed with MULO in Malang. Not quite up there, he then joined the school of military cadres, Prayodha Bali, Gianyar. In 1940, Ngurah Rai sworn in as Lieutenant II then continued his education in Opleiding Voor Corps Reserve Officieren (CORO), Magelang and Education Artillery, Malang.
At the time of the Japanese population, Ngurah Rai had become intelligence allies in the area of ​​Bali and Lombok. After news of Indonesian independence in 1945 ended up in Bali, BKR renamed the People's Security Army (TKR) Small Sunda where she served as its commander. As commander of the Lesser Sunda TKR, Ngurah Rai felt the need to consolidate the leadership of the center where the current TKR is based in Jogjakarta. Up in Jogjakarta, Ngurah Rai inducted into the regiment commander Lesser Sunda rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Return of Jogjakarta with the help of weapons, Ngurah Rai found that the Dutch had occupied Bali by affecting the kings of Bali. A total of approximately 2,000 troops with a full arsenal and a number of aircraft that have been collected Netherlands was ready to fight attacking Ngurah Rai and his troops. The battle against the background of disappointment over the results of the Ngurah Rai Linggarjati agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia. In the agreement states that the Dutch government recognizes the authority of Indonesia which includes the islands of Java, Madura and Sumatra. While Bali is recognized to be part of Indonesia east fib Netherlands.
Together Ciung Wanara, a small army of Ngurah Rai, on 18 November 1946 attack which resulted in a datasemen Tabanan Netherlands with a full arsenal surrendered. This sparked the Dutch to return more fierce battle and to mobilize its forces in the entire island of Bali and Lombok to repay Ngurah Rai. In the fighting, the defense for the sake of defense formed Ngurah Rai destroyed up until the last defense Ciung Wanara, Margarana village, Ngurah Rai and his army was repelled due entirely fall into a deep ravine. The war ended with the war Puputan Margarana known since before the fall of Ngurah Rai had shouted bellows which means all-out war. The incident occurred on 20 November 1946.
Thanks to these efforts, Ngurah Rai earned Mahaputra Star and promoted to Brigadier General (posthumously). Not only that, he also earned a National Hero by Presidential Decree No. 63 / TK / 1975 dated August 9, 1975.

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